Classic Car Road Trip

Arrival of Sinterklaas

The arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep:

About two weeks before December 5, Sinterklaas arrives in the Netherlands. On December 5, the Feast of Sinterklaas is celebrated The Feast of Sinterklaas is a feast primarily for children, but also grown-ups celebrate Sinterklaas. The Feast of Sinterklaas is celebrated annually with the giving of gifts and Sinterklaas sweets such as gingerbread, chocolate letters and tiny spicy cookies, called pepernoten. On December 6th, Sinterklaas leaves the Netherlands quietly to return to Spain.

Nearly every town and village in the Netherlands organises their own arrival of Sinterklaas. A series of photos depicting the arrival of Sinterklaas in our village, the photos were taken in two different years, in 2022 and in 2023. Our Village is located on the bank of the IJssel. Every year, Sinterklaas arrives by boat. The 19th of November 2022, when Sinterklaas and his Sooty Piets had moored their boat on the bank of the river, they were welcomed by the mayor and singing and cheering children. We were asked to drive Sinterklaas to our village. Sinterklaas stepped into our own 1942 Ford GPW Jeep and on an unpaved road we drove to the village, Sinterklaas in the passenger seat.

Traditionally, Sinterklaas arrives in the Netherlands by boat. In 2023, due to the extreme high water level in the river, it was not possible to moor the boat of Sinterklaas, we were asked to drive Sinterklaas to the village. On a secret location just outside the village, Sinterklaas stepped into our own Ford GPW Jeep, on a dyke road along the floodplain we drove him to our village, where the children were waiting for the arrival of Sinterklaas.

The American Santa Claus is Dutch in origin. The Dutch transported the Sinterklaas Feast to New Amsterdam, now New York City, along with the custom of giving gifts and sweets to children.

Read the story of Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas is also known as Saint Nicholas.

Arrival of Sinterklaas - Arrival of Sinterklaas: Traditionally, Saint Nicholas, Sinterklaas, arrives in the Netherlands from his Bishop's Palace in Spain...

Arrival of Sinterklaas: Traditionally, Saint Nicholas, Sinterklaas, arrives in the Netherlands from his Bishop's Palace in Spain by boat. Sinterklaas is based on the historical figure Saint Nicholas, the Greek Bishop Nicholas of Myra. Nowadays, Sinterklaas is played by an actor.

  1. Arrival of Sinterklaas - Arrival of Sinterklaas: Traditionally, Saint Nicholas, Sinterklaas, arrives in the Netherlands from his Bishop's Palace in Spain...

    Arrival of Sinterklaas: Traditionally, Saint Nicholas, Sinterklaas, arrives in the Netherlands from his Bishop's Palace in Spain by boat. Sinterklaas is based on the historical figure Saint Nicholas, the Greek Bishop Nicholas of Myra. Nowadays, Sinterklaas is played by an actor.

  2. Arrival of Sinterklaas - Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: November 2022, after mooring his boat, Saint Nicholas was welcomed by the mayor. About two...

    Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: November 2022, after mooring his boat, Saint Nicholas was welcomed by the mayor. About two weeks before December 5th, Saint Nicholas arrives in the Netherlands. The 5th of December is the Feast Day of Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas).

  3. Arrival of Sinterklaas - Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: November 2022, Sinterklaas driving in a 1942 World War II Ford Jeep, surrounded by Sooty Piets....

    Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: November 2022, Sinterklaas driving in a 1942 World War II Ford Jeep, surrounded by Sooty Piets. Sooty Piets are the helpers that accompany Sinterklaas. When Sinterklaas arrives, Sooty Piets hand out sweets to the children.

  4. Arrival of Sinterklaas - Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep, November 2022: Sinterklaas is dressed in a long red velvet tabard (cape) over a...

    Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep, November 2022: Sinterklaas is dressed in a long red velvet tabard (cape) over a white bishop's alb (robe), on his head a red mitre. The tabard and mitre are decorated with golden embroidery.

  5. Arrival of Sinterklaas - Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: The traditional blackface Zwarte Piet (Black Pete) was a source of discussion in the...

    Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: The traditional blackface Zwarte Piet (Black Pete) was a source of discussion in the Netherlands. Today, the majority of the Piets have soot marks on their faces instead of completely black makeup, they are called Sooty Piet or Pete.

  6. Arrival of Sinterklaas - Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: November 2023, traditionally, Sinterklaas arrives in the Netherlands by steamboat, but due to...

    Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: November 2023, traditionally, Sinterklaas arrives in the Netherlands by steamboat, but due to the high water levels in the rivers, he came to our village in a 1942 Ford Jeep.

  7. Arrival of Sinterklaas - Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: November 2023, on the small dyke road along the floodplains, Sinterklaas was driven to...

    Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: November 2023, on the small dyke road along the floodplains, Sinterklaas was driven to our village.

  8. Arrival of Sinterklaas - Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: November 2023, two Sooty Piets on a dyke road along the river IJssel. Sooty Piets are dressed...

    Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: November 2023, two Sooty Piets on a dyke road along the river IJssel. Sooty Piets are dressed in colourful velvet Renaissance-style costumes, on their head a velvet beret with a ostrich feather. 

  9. Arrival of Sinterklaas - Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: November 2023, the arrival of Sinterklaas and his page. Sinterklaas was welcomed by the...

    Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: November 2023, the arrival of Sinterklaas and his page. Sinterklaas was welcomed by the mayor. 

  10. Arrival of Sinterklaas - Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: November 2023, Sinterklaas and his page were welcomed by the mayor. As a token of...

    Arrival of Sinterklaas in a 1942 Ford GPW Jeep: November 2023, Sinterklaas and his page were welcomed by the mayor. As a token of his dignity, Sinterklaas holds a golden bishop's staff in his hand.